Transition of the Website to the New Version of Opencart

Website version update, design

The Fabrika Brendov’s team had a task: to update the version of the website from Opencart 1/5 to Opencart 3.

At first glance, the task is simple, since the domain and address of the eStore did not change. Difficulties were associated with the fact that the database structure of the new version of Opencart was noticeably different from the structure of the previous version.

We have tried to keep the customer base as well as the history of their orders. This allowed leaving the store statistics unchanged and not losing the main customers. In addition, thanks to the preservation of the database, customers can enter a new store using the logins they already have, and also see the history of their purchases.

To retain the positions, we completely transferred the old directory structure to the new version of Opencart, thus avoiding possible subsidence when the next version of the site is launched. During the transition, we modernized the design of the site, making it more convenient for both users and the owner of the online store. The visual component of the administration panel has been improved, which greatly simplified the work with orders.

The customer was satisfied with the work done.
