Websites development using CMS Opencart

Fabrika brendov focuses on e-commerce web design using CMS Opencart. Our specialists have been in CMS operation for many years, therefore they are ready to work develop an e-commerce website of any complexity.

317 000 e-commerce sites

are designed on the basis of Opencart. British Red Cross and Volvo are

Website design using Opencart

CMS is a free and well-known control system. Using Opencart you won’t face any site’s cropping and re-design troubles. Besides, a vast number of challenges are met by means of installing cheap or free modules.

CMS Opencart’s GNU/GPL license presupposes its free use. Any human being can make use of it, modify and evolve. It is a good variant for newcomers and a stable platform for professionals.

Разработка интернет-магазина на OpencartCMS Opencart’s advantages and facilities:

  • high level of encryption strength (facility to withstand possible attacks);
  • developer independence: you’ll find a specialist who knows how this system functions;
  • the number of pages, categories and goods is unlimited;
  • quick paging-in;
  • facility to use mobile payment system.

Why is website development on the basis of Opencart worth entrusting us?

As “Runet Rating” website reports, Opencart is №1 among free CMS for e-commerce websites. Besides, it is among top 3 best CMS.

The e-commerce website, worked out on this platform by our specialists, is great in terms of SEO and needs minimal time for search engine indexing.

Would you like to enter into cooperation with us?


Opencart possesses a full range of tools to develop an e-commerce site. You won’t have to overpay for the services


  • You want something more than an “attractive website”;
  • You need complex analytics and no-nonsense approach;
  • You are ready to achieve measurable result of our work;
  • Your company has the potential and you want to unlock it;
  • You are looking for confidential partnership, but not just customer-contractor relations.


  • Primitive solutions satisfy you;
  • You don’t like your work;
  • You aren’t ready to get to a new level;
  • You aren’t capable to be glad about progress.

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